There are some who argue that the threshold of quality education is met by focusing only on literacy and numeracy, but this definition is insufficient and outdated. Education is not simply a content delivery system; rather, it is a system designed to help all children reach their full potential and enter society as full and productive citizens. The UN expands on this goal, noting that it is to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.” It specifically entails issues such as appropriate skills development, gender parity, provision of relevant school infrastructure, equipment, educational materials and resources, scholarships or teaching force.


Using “quality” as a qualifier is important here. For the UN, some of the targets for SDG 4 include ensuring that children have access to pre-primary education, free primary and secondary education, and options for affordable technical, vocational, and higher education options, including college. But it’s not enough for education to be accessible, it also has to add value to the lives of students. In countries like Niger, enrollment has gone up for primary schools, but many students complete their primary education and still lack basic skills like literacy and numeracy. This leaves them unprepared for the job market, and gives them very little hope for escaping the cycle of poverty.


The ways that education affects poverty — and can help to end it — are well documented. But the ways education can help to end extreme poverty are only possible if education is approache​d in a meaningful way. “EDUCATION IS ABOUT MORE THAN LITERACY AND NUMERACY – IT IS ALSO ABOUT CITIZENRY. EDUCATION MUST FULLY ASSUME ITS CENTRAL ROLE IN HELPING PEOPLE TO FORGE MORE JUST, PEACEFUL AND TOLERANT SOCIETIES.” — BAN KI-MOON, FORMER UN SECRETARY-GENERAL


Extreme poverty is generally defined as a lack of assets or a lack of return on those assets. One of these assets are skills, including technical and vocational skills. The more relevant these skills are in the 21st Century, the more likely they are to generate a return. This not only means understanding how relevant skills have changed against the digital revolution and automation, but also against climate change, shifting societal norms, and political realities.


Education is a fundamental human right. However, there are 263 million children and youth around the world who are kept out of the classroom. Many of them are excluded due to discrimination, including over 130 million girls excluded based on gender. Quality education means equality in education, at all levels, for all vulnerable populations.